
Get a Business Bank Account That Your Company Can Bank On

  When operating a business it is always recommended you establish separate business bank accounts through which you can run your day to day business finances. This will make reconciling money in and out a great deal easier and will avoid upsetting the tax authorities by mixing your personal expenses with business expenses. It also looks a lot more professional to write cheques that show the business name and for your customers to make payments to you in the name of your business and not you personally. Most UK banks offer an initial period of free banking so it need not cost you a penny and in fact can actually make you money if you choose the right account. Which business account should I choose? Most UK banks offer business accounts so it is simply a case of assessing which features you will use the most. The ideal account is one that offers an initial period of free banking for at least 12 months. Make sure that when they say free business banking they really mean free! Check f...